Massachusetts Modification Lawyer

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Massachusetts Modification Attorney

Modification: Changing A Family Court Order

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes circumstances change after a court order has been issued. Whether it’s related to child custody, child support, alimony, or any other issue, it may be possible to modify a court order if you can demonstrate a material change in circumstances.

This section provides you with educational material and resources to help you understand the legal process of changing a court order, what qualifies as a material change in circumstances, and how to prepare for a modification case. We also cover common mistakes to avoid and strategies to help you achieve the best possible outcome.


I don’t like the provisions in my divorce decree. What can I do?

You should have an experienced divorce attorney review your divorce decree and advise you on its modifiability. Some provisions, especially those related to children are modifiable under certain circumstances. However, others, namely property division and sometimes alimony, may not be modifiable.

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