Lucia Gomez Vargas

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Lucia Gomez Vargas

Legal Assistant


Lucia is a Legal Assistant for Farias Family Law. She serves as our Onboarding Specialist and helps new clients complete documents, so we have the necessary information for our filings. She also helps support our team’s operations to help us work as efficiently as possible.

Lucia graduated from Marista University in Mexico with a degree in Business Administration. She has several years of experience in administrative positions in a variety of capacities, so she has a diverse background of education and skills that make her a great asset to our team. She has worked in accounting, trained new staff on company policies and procedures, and she was also in charge of finance and budget management.

Our team has realized a significant boost in productivity and efficiency since Lucia joined us, and our clients experience a smoother process. We’re grateful to have her.

Lucia loves spending time with her dog, Marley, and with her friends and family. She enjoys hosting dinner parties, cooking for her guests, and fine-tuning her culinary skills. She also enjoys learning about web3 and crypto. Lucia practices meditation daily. No wonder she’s so calm and cool under pressure!

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Farias Family Law, P.c.

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